Results For Category: "Articles"

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Plyometric Training & Athletic Development

When it comes to fitness, there are a lot of different schools of thought out there. Some people swear by lifting weights, while others prefer…

Young Athlete Deevlopment 1

Proper Athletic Development Can Help Young Athletes Excel

There’s no question that athletic development is a critical part of success for young athletes. Proper training and conditioning can improve strength, speed, agility, and…

Muscle Fibers 1

The Roles of Fast-Twitch & Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Did you know that there are two different types of muscle fibers, and each one has its own unique function? Today we’re going to dive…

CMJ vs Squat Jump 1

Counter Movement Jump vs. Squat Jump

Two significant movements are widely used to assess athletic performance: the countermovement jump and the squat jump. Among these, countermovement jump performance tends to be…

Basketball Speed Training

3 Reasons Basketball Players Should Focus On Speed

Basketball is a game built around quick bursts of speed—One of the biggest keys to success in basketball is quickness and being able to use…

Modern Training 1

The Benefits of Modern Sports Training

What comes to mind when you think about the world’s greatest athletes? Michael Jordan? LeBron James? Serena Williams? They’re all incredible physical specimens, and it’s…

Train 1

Why Behind-The-Scenes Work Is Important For Athletes

The importance of work ethic goes without saying. We all understand that putting in the required time and effort leads to success. And when it…

Motivation 1

Remember Why You Started: Modern Athletes And The Drive To Succeed

In any sport, the drive to succeed is a powerful motivator. But what happens when that drive fades? When athletes lose their passion for the…

hockey training

The Accelerator Program In Victoria For Hockey Players

It’s no secret that—even when compared to other high-intensity sports—hockey is a particularly demanding sport. Players are expected to train hard, and for many players,…

Offseason Training

The Importance of Off Season Training For College Athletes

Off-season training is an integral part of any athlete’s high-performance yearly training plan, especially for college athletes. It allows athletes to emphasise sport-specific skill work…