Support for KidSport Generates $20,000, providing Access to Sport for 65 Families

We know it’s about the community as much as the competition, the support as much as the speed. Every child should have the time and the opportunity in their life to access athletic inclusivity and development whether it’s on the field or the court. 

KidSport Play it Forward Kids doing a fun run

That’s why we are proud to have been a part of KidSport’s Fall 2020 Play It Forward Initiative! This initiative helps to bring that vision to the forefront of the sporting community and give more kids around the world the athletic opportunity they might not have had otherwise. 

The hard work from the folks at the KidSport Greater Victoria chapter and the local businesses that sponsored them in the Fall 2020 Play it Forward initiative resulted in raising $20,000 from both sponsorships and hundreds of bids placed in an online auction that ran from September 14 – 24! Social media, print, radio, and word of mouth helped to promote the initiative and was crucial to the level of success it reached. 

Speed Mechanic’s donations of $250 and a one month AP Flex membership for KidSport’s online auction made us a bronze level sponsor for the initiative. Supporting youth development and inclusion in sport is what we value at Speed Mechanics, and we’re proud to be a part of an initiative like this. Every step to youth athletic accessibility and opportunities is one more step to a healthier, more inclusive sporting community globally. 

That $20,000 generated by the online auction and sponsorships will reach 65 children and families and give them the opportunity to be a part of a sporting season this year. It has been an exciting month to see the success of the KidSport Greater Victoria chapter’s initiative, and even more exciting to be a part of it!