Training Without Facilities

As we have all had to practice social distancing recently, gyms and rec centers are all closed. For many of us, this will significantly reduce our physical activity; or it potentially could reduce our physical activity. There are many ways we can combat this, though, and there are many reasons why we should. Here are a few:

  1. It’s important to keep moving to keep our immune system healthy and active. By becoming more sedentary we reduce our immune systems capabilities. So keep moving daily, even if only in the confines of your own home.
  2. Movement is very important for our mental health. Whether it’s inside or outside, the movement will help produce endorphins within the brain which will have a positive effect on your outlook and within your body. It can be depressing going from an active lifestyle to being confined, so keep moving
  3. Don’t let all that hard work you’ve been doing go to waste. Moving will help stimulate your body in some capacity which is better than a complete cessation of activity.
  4. If you weren’t doing much before then now is the perfect time to start doing something. What else are you doing? This could be the perfect kickstart for you.

I’ve put together 6 simple workouts you can do at home or at a field while still practicing social distance. Two of them are bodyweight or strength-focused, two of them are cycling focused and require trainers, rollers, or a stationary bike, and two are sprinting/running focused. Email me at for your FREE copy today! If you enjoy them and want more please post below or on Facebook @spdmechanics.

Enjoy! Stay safe and stay healthy. We’re all in this together.