It’s no secret that—even when compared to other high-intensity sports—hockey is a particularly demanding sport. Players are expected to train hard, and for many players, it can be a lot to handle.
For any hockey player, the road to success is seldom straight. There are always demands being placed on you, whether it’s from your hockey coach, teammates, or parents. It can be easy to lose sight of why you started playing the sport in the first place. But with personal guidance and the right training path, it’s possible to reignite the love for the sport and learn some valuable life lessons along the way.
How the Speed Mechanics Accelerator Program Can Help You Become a Better Hockey Player
If you’re a hockey player who is looking to improve your performance, the Speed Mechanics Accelerator Program was designed for you.
Moving forward in your athletic training too quickly, or without individualized programming can be extremely counterproductive, not only physically but mentally. In most cases, training without purpose can set athletes back, especially as they get older.
Additionally, rushing through training—or moving through it without a plan—can also lead to burnout and a loss of motivation, both of which can severely hamper your progress. This is why it’s so important to follow a methodical approach to training in order to maximize your performance potential.
At Speed Mechanics, our Accelerator Program addresses every individual athlete’s personal needs while slowly moving up through four different ranks: Active, Boost, Challenge, and Dominate.
Each of these four ranks is designed specifically – where athletes must demonstrate competency and consistency before they can graduate to the next level.
With individualized programs, the coaches will get to know your strengths. Through quarterly performance testing, tracking, and monitoring, they will move you up through the ranks at the right pace for you.
A strategically tiered training program for athletes aged 10-18, every athlete receives a training journal and a performance t-shirt representing their current level.
In the Accelerator Program, clients are never pushed into over-training—or advanced before they are ready. Instead, every client is evaluated individually to help them get the most out of their training—allowing them to move at the right pace without overtraining and build a stronger foundation for advanced training in the future.
The Speed Mechanics Accelerator Program allows you to take advantage of our lead coaches’ expertise. Time is put aside every day to work with AP athletes – and each coach works hard to make you faster, stronger, and more powerful.
Furthermore, as a hockey player, you probably already know that mastering movement on ice is a lifelong skill. The AP program provides you with an environment to safely develop these movement patterns. By enrolling in the Accelerator Program, players can set themselves up for success on and off the ice.
Through hockey, you can learn valuable life lessons like discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. You can also develop a strong sense of self-confidence and learn how to set and achieve goals. With the support and expertise of the coaches at Speed Mechanics, you can grow into the best hockey player possible.
The Speed Mechanics Accelerator Program is designed to help athletes improve their performance and reach their full potential. Our program offers individualized training plans, quarterly performance testing, and expert guidance from our lead coaches. Click here to learn more about the program or book a complimentary session now!